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Friday, December 26, 2008

The Lord's ways are not our ways!

Well, as of right now we are without a vehicle. It is a weird feeling to not have a vehicle. The transmission in the van blew up on Troy a few days ago on his way home from work leaving us with our trusty old chevy crew cab. Today we pulled our van into Lakeside to get the money for scrap metal. On our way home our truck engine blew up. It blew up bad. I'm so thankful that there was no wreck and no one got hurt. I called my dad who was 5 minutes away and we were about 20 mins from our house so he came and took us home.
So, tomorrow morning Troy, Ashley, & DJ will be doing the paper route on foot. Another thankful thing is that it is not as cold as it has been. Still I wouldn't want to walk it!
We do have a car that was gifted to us. We were considering buying my midwifes car as a gas saver for groceries and paper route but had not had the funds. She had hit a deer with it and didn't want to spend the money fixing it. After what happened with the van we were thinking it might be a cheaper option than others so I called her to see if we could get to it with a 2 wheel drive trusty :0) old truck. They are in South Dakota with more snow. She said she was going to call me but figured she would see me the 29th for our visit so was waiting until then to tell me that they decided to give it to us! It does need some work, so guess what Troy will be doing tomorrow! Lord willing he will get that running and then we'll go from there. We won't all fit, obviously but we will be thankful that Troy can get to work and back. We do not believe in debt and will not go into debt for a vehicle so we will wait on the Lord. I'm sure that He has a plan in all of this, it's just not the way I would have gone about it! His ways are not like my ways, but His ways are better than my ways! I do hope that we learn what the Lord wants us to from all of this. Please pray for us if you feel led.
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I had a minute sitting here checking my mail and Ashley said I should do a post about life! It's really funny that she should say that because life is changing for me. I've been realizing more and more that so many things are not really THAT important. My how easy it is to get wrapped up in things. UNIMPORTANT things. They just come in and take the place of the really important things.
One thing the Lord has been laying on my heart lately is to "Hide His word in our hearts". I think about what if my children were taken tomorrow how much of God's word would they be taking with them? That is a huge important thing! In times of persecution they take away God's word, we need to have it "hid in our hearts".
Then there's just all the normal things of training up the children in the Lord. I get so busy with housekeeping (especially when it gets closer to a new baby). I want everything perfect and guess what? All joy leaves my household. I tear my house down everyday while I think I am making it better somehow. I know I'm not making it better but I keep thinking after I get this and that done then I can relax and be a joyful mother. I'm sure there is no one else out there like me. Sometimes I feel like the most terrible mother ever. In the meantime, I am missing the point. Instead of teaching my children about joy in the Lord I am teaching joy in a clean house. Instead of rejoicing in trouble I'm showing failure. Instead of a new baby meaning joy for our whole family they can look forward to mom being a mess the last few months. So to sum it up, if you are reading this PLEASE pray for me! One of my desires is to be transparent and able to ask for prayer when I need it. That's what we're here for right?
I hope everyone is staying warm! I can't believe these temps. Terrible cold. Troy has been doing the paper route for me, I'm very thankful! I handle the 30-40's much better than this.
I hope you all have a great Lord's day tomorrow!