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Monday, March 16, 2009

41 weeks and the Lord is in control!

I'm just amazed at how the Lord works and keeps us leaning on Him every step of the way. I have really been struggling with not having this baby yet and really thought today was the day! I have been having some serious contractions all day and they just kept getting stronger. So I called my midwife and guess what~ She is at another birth right now helping a first time mom with twins! This mom is also over 40 weeks (did I mention she's having twins?). Obviously my midwife can't be in two places at once so the Lord just stoppped my contractions. It truly is in His hands and I have total peace about it. What an awesome God we serve! So Lord willing, the next post should have a picture of our new blessing!~ God bless you all!


JeremyNSunny said...

Whoo-hoo!!! Almost time!!! I know you have to be EXTREMELY excited! Put your feet up when you can, as you await arrival of said precious one. :)

I'm behind on reading my friends' blogs, and just now starting to catch up. I thought I'd share about my Bible reading.... It's almost exactly the same as yours!!!!!! lol!!!! That's so awesome!!! Usually one chapter a day, often more, and ... Reading one chapter of Proverbs a day has been a goal of mine for a long time ... "for when the children are older." I think they're 'older'-enough, and it's probaby past time to start on it. :) Great reminder!! Thanks!! :)

Additionally, I've gone back through Created to Be His Help Meet a second time now, this time wtih a couple of church friends. Have you read Debi Pearl's book yet?? It is definitely changing lives through the power of God's Word and our submission to His will!!! :) God be praised!!!!!!!

You'll be in my prayers. Can't wait to hear the news!

Jamie said...

Jenny~ I have never gone over! That must have been tough! But baby is here~ you didn't post any pics of your new little guy!
OK, update your blog so I can see your family :)

Jamie~ rawpregnancy